10 Indonesian Facts

Being an Indonesian living in another country I often hear from my non-Indonesian friends about their unforgettable experience and incomprehensible Indonesian customs. Things that are usual and normal for Indonesian are unimaginable for them. 

The situation happens as well in Malang but I use Indonesia instead of Malang for this topic because I think it covers the whole Indonesia. Here they are....

10 Indonesian Facts

  1. Musical folk ever. You hear music almost everywhere and for sure in every restaurant and malls.
  2. Self confidence folk ever. Everyone dares and loves to sing in a karaoke club.
  3. Attentively folk ever. Every time they see an acquaintance, they will ask “Where are you going?”
  4. They close the public street for extra spaces for their party in the name of “gotong royong” (mutual aid).
  5. If you’re a married woman they will call you Mrs. … (First-Name-Of-Your-Husband).
  6. They never say “not married” but “not married yet”.
  7. They wouldn’t call a meal if they don’t eat rice yet even if they are stuffed with other food.
  8. No matter what time it is, it is always eating time.
  9. If you say you like the food they give to you, you’ll get the fresh but same food for sure for the next three days.
  10. No matter what your sickness is, a doctor will give you antibiotic for your pain.

So, Indonesian fellows, do you recognize these facts?

Maybe you are, like me, a living abroad Indonesian or you have lived in Indonesia as a foreigner for so many years that you felt like an Indonesian. Now you wonder whether you still have that feeling. Do this test and you will know the result in a minute.

Read and answer these questions.

  1. Do you use Blackberry?
  2. Do you use Blackberry to sell your products?
  3. Do you change your Blackberry or mobile phone once in three months?
  4. Do you have more than one mobile phone?
  5. Do you eat supermi (Indonesian brand of noodle) at least once a week?
  6. Do you have guling (long cushion) in your bed to sleep with?
  7. Do you enjoy your dish using bare hands?
  8. Do you use chili sauce for every dish?
  9. Do you start your own business exactly the same as your neighbor?
  10. Do you agree that soft music doesn’t exist?  The louder the better.
  11. Is it ok for you to have friends in front of you and in the same time talking to other friends using your mobile?
  12. Do you like kerokan (scraping the skin using a coin and oil) and massage?

If your answers are mostly yes, congratulations, you are an Indonesian!

Maybe you see these Indonesian facts as a joke, a critic or insinuation. But for me it’s about a smile, Indonesian’s smile.  Indonesian is good in making joke out of difficult situation. The saying “Keep smiling” is applied well.

My favorite story about Indonesian I heard from a Dutch friend. He said, when God gave watches and clocks to all countries, He gave time to Indonesia. Long live the elastic time!

Keep smiling but be on time my dear Indonesia!

Maybe you have more Indonesian facts?  Please share with us.

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