Inggil Restaurant

A Javanese restaurant with
of old Dutch time

Inggil restaurant serves Javanese food in a Javanese traditional way.  Decorated with lots of antiques from the era of Dutch colony in Indonesia, this restaurant creates a unique atmosphere of such a time. You can enjoy it while having its tasty food.

Operated by April 27, 2004, Inggil restaurant becomes popular in Malang.  The building is a design of an old Dutch house and was one time a hostel ASIA owned by an Indonesian.

You might not notice it as a restaurant until you enter it. Some nice waiters wearing traditional Javanese clothes with Javanese music played at the background will welcome you.

There is a big open hall with bamboo roof with lots of antiques displayed on both sides of the wall, such as radios, irons, advertising boards and pictures, made during Dutch colony in Indonesia.

The pictures have stories you can directly read. One of the pictures is of Matahari the famous spy from Holland. Apparently she has lived in Malang for a short time.

Many buildings showed on the old pictures still exist but some have changed. Even though some changes are made, the original architectures are still kept which makes it interesting to see.

If you come with a big group, you can have your own private room but still able to see the hall from the room. There are seating places you can choose, either on the chair or lesehan, which means sitting on the floor in a Javanese way. Better to make reservation first before you come especially on the weekends or during the holidays.

The food is good and the price is affordable. Most Javanese food tastes sweet and can be hot and spicy, so if this is your first time eating Indonesian food or you are not used to it, I encourage you to ask the waiters so they could serve the food based on your requirements.

My favorite dishes are gurame goreng or fried gurame, chicken satay, urap urap (Indonesian salad mixed with grated coconuts and other ingredients) and my favorite desert is pisang goreng or fried banana.

Yummy Javanese food at Inggil restaurant

Fried gurami fish

Every evening they have different kinds of entertainment showed on the stage specially set up for. Fridays are set for gamelan, the Javanese traditional music, Saturdays are for keroncong, the Indonesian traditional music which can make you relax, Wednesdays are for jazz. Every noon (12.00-14.00) is set for Javanese dances. You can sing on the stage by yourself, together with your group or with the singer. They would be happy if you do that.

Inggil means high (level) in Javanese. There are two styles in Javanese language, Ngoko for conversation with good friends also in a familiar and informal circle and Kromo, the formal one. Inggil is a word in Kromo.

The stage at Inggil restaurant in Malang

Javanese dance at Inggil restaurant, Malang

If you come with kids, don’t worry, they are not forgotten. There is a small kids’ corner where they can play or do some crafts. They put wip wap wood horses and a small ball pool.

Kid’s corner at Inggil restaurant Malang

Located next to the entrance, there is a shop for the souvenirs such as t-shirt with Javanese texts, Javanese caps called blangkon, bags, old designed-Dutch hats, Javanese wood sandals, Javanese snacks, books and CD about Malang, etc. Don’t miss the chance to visit this shop!

Inggil’s souvenier shop in Malang

With all these uniqueness and assets, Inggil restaurant is not just a restaurant but also a place where you can learn about Malang. You’ll get lots of information while enjoying your meals. Learning in a yummy way.

Jalan Gajah Mada no.4 Malang
Tel : +62-341-332110

Do you know other yummy food? For me it is Greek food. Get more information about Greek food in Santorini.

It should be nice if you know the language of the place you visit, right? For Dutch readers who want to learn Indonesian you can ask Apa kabar.

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