“You could better take the rent house Bukit Dieng” said a friend enthusiastically when we told her that we would move to Malang. “I recommend this house for you. I’m sure you’d like it a lot” she said further with the same enthusiasm. She made us curious and we asked her to bring us to view the house.
When I saw this house on the first time, I saw a small well maintained front garden. But it wasn’t an eye catcher. I didn’t see something that makes this rent house special. I said to myself, “Don’t judge the book from its cover”.
Then we entered the house through the garage. It is not very big but enough for a normal size car. Then we saw a big back yard and the layout of the house. Yes, my friend is right. We like the house.
Things of the house that might be able to be objections for others but not for me because there is always a solution for it (see the text in parentheses):
Unfortunately we didn’t take this house. I hear you asking "Why not?" Because we would like to have a home office and this house is too small for that. But we have stayed there for 3 days waiting till our rent house in Malang ready.
Now every time I pass this rent house Bukit Dieng I look at it with a smile. It became an eye catcher for me. I always have the sweet 3-days memories there in my mind. And if I tell people about this cozy house I’d tell them with the same enthusiasm as my friend’s.
To see more about this Malang rent house see some pictures below.
Interested in this rent house? Fill the form below to contact the owner or to get more information.
Updated April 27th, 2015
Pity to say that this house has been sold.
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